Monday, August 9, 2010

Windows Movie Maker

Hi Guys,

Remember Windows Movie Maker? We used it in The Arts? Well I do, and I loved it back then and have just recently tried it out again. It is such as easy tool to use, by just dragging images and elements down to make your photos twist, fade and turn. Its great that you can add text and voice overs too and encourage creativity in your classroom! This is highly important when students are living in todays society.

The lecture in week five really got my ideas flowing for how I can incorporate this tool into my future teaching. We did a jigsaw activity where we broke up into 12 groups, all becomming experts about our section of the reading; Students in the director's seat. The section of the reading that my group had was an overview of tasks using digital video. They discussed different tasks one being a year 8 class making a movie of the different phases of the moon. The section of the reading that we had gave examples from k-12 across the curriculum.

As I am doing my studies in early childhood, I had a think about the different ways preps-three could use movie maker in their learning. I came up with the following list:

  1. Life cycle of a butterfly; preppies.

  2. Mini beasts; year two; facts and images of different mini beasts.

  3. Fairy tales; year one; narratives and plays.

  4. Australian animals; year one; favourite animal; facts and images.

What are some of your ideas? Do you think this tool can effectively enhance students learning? I DO!

Friday, 20th August, 2010.
Here is a year 5 Science example that I find creative and effective.

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